Have a Website? Want More Traffic?

How important is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Top ways websites are foundResearch shows that 85% of consumers use search engines to find what they are looking for.

This is why correct search engine optimization & positioning is vital if your business is to succeed online. There are millions of websites competing to increase search engine traffic. Without the correct web site marketing strategy, there is a real danger that your competitor's website may be found first, resulting in lost sales.

Search Engine Marketing Ethics: Don't believe the hype.

Getting to the top of the search engines, and staying there, is an ongoing process. This does not mean it is expensive to stay at the top. In fact, in most cases, it's rather affordable. But beware, there are pitfalls along the way to search engine Zen.

The old adage, "If it sounds too good to be true", applies to SEO (search engine optimization). There are many companies that will promise top results using less than ethical methods. Including slick salesmen that will convince you that all the top sites cheat the search engines in order to stay on top. You will run into web site owners that mask keywords to get top positions making it sound very tempting to follow in their foot steps.

Don't be fooled by such hype. These are short term solutions that can lead to a permanent ban in the top engines. Once you are banned in Google, Yahoo, MSN or ASK, you may as well dump your site and start over. If you're looking for long term success on the internet, don't cheat the search engines.

One of the cheats I have been seeing lately is masking content with "noscript tags". The noscript tags are used to define an alternate content (text) if a script is NOT executed. People have been taking advantage of this and filling it with content that visitors don't see, but the search engines do. While this does work, it is short term and believe me when I say, you will be caught. You will have no warning, no second chances. You will wake up one day and your site will not be found.

There is no phone number to call, your emails go unanswered, and traffic to your site drops off overnight. Your income dries up and it's all over. It can take six months or more to undo the damage and, in some cases, it's permanent. The major search engines are always on the lookout for new cheats. When found, they will program the search engines to drop the sites using these methods. Without warning, you're gone. Also, don't forget, your competition watches your site and is looking for ways to rank higher than you. Your competition may report your unethical methods to the search engines.

If you're planning to be around for the long haul and want some success on the internet, then you need to be ethical in your promotion. Unless you have daily time dedicated to studying SEO and making the needed changes, you should contract with a reputable SEO company. You need a company that studies the SEO industry on a daily basis to keep on top of what it takes to rank at the top for the long run. A company that is above cheats and quick fixes. A company that offers solid optimization that can keep you on top of the search engine results. A company that will take the time to target your specific audience to get you visitors that are interested in your product or service.

Many SEO companies will promise thousands of visitors a day. Unless those visitors are interested in what you have to offer or ended up at your site and did not find what they searched for, they will remember you. They will remember that you did not have what they wanted. They may leave disappointed and your good name will have a black mark next to it. Don't get sucked into damaging your image by slick salesmen.

When looking for a company to handle your SEO, first and foremost, be comfortable with the people you will be directly working with. They will need total access to your web site and server to make the needed changes. At times, the verbiage of your site may need minor changes. A word or two may need to be changed to improve keyword density. You need a company you can trust with your company's image.

In today's business world, you must have a web site. After all, your competition does. Your site must be marketed ethically and monitored daily. Changes must be made ASAP when conditions change. Hire a professional to handle SEO. When your business is booming, it's too easy to put SEO on the back burner. Before you know it, your rankings will have dropped from top to bottom, as well as your bottom line.

Top 19 SEO Debates

Stuntdbl, a member of Search Engine Watch forums, has started an interesting thread about what he believes are the top 19 SEO contradictions that people in the web promotion field debate about frequently.

Here's the list:

1. All links work vs. Contextual links work
2. Buy links for click through (or don't buy them) vs. Buy links for search rankings
3. There's nothing a competitor can do to hurt your site vs. Googlebowling
4. SEO is dead vs. Long live SEO
5. Directory links are important vs. Google hates directory links
6. All penalties are algorithmic vs. Lots of hand edits
7. Sandbox vs. There is no sandbox
8. Filters vs. Penalties
9. The blue pill vs. There is no spoon
10. Pagerank is dead vs. Buy links based on Pagerank (okay this one is just plain WRONG)
11. Content remix vs. Scraper sites
12. Blogs rank too well vs. SE's don’t like blogs
13. Real simple syndication vs. Real simple stealing
14. Lots of links vs. Quality links
15. Google knows all vs. Google is dumb
16. Lots of directories vs. Good directories
17. Automated vs. Manual
18. Linking in vs. Linking Out
19. Global vs. Local