Bay Area Invinca-Shield Install Party!

Bay Area Invinca-Shield Install Party!

Several Spyder owners ordered Invinca-Shield for their cars and got together for an install party where Alan Seligman flew out to do the installs.  Alan is certified by 3M as an Invinca-Shield installer.  Alan is also the one who set us up with a club discount on the Invinca-Shield product as well as Alan discounted his install rates for our club members.  You can order Invinca-Shield by calling Alan directly at 407-927-1900 you can get the discount by mentioning that you are a member of the Spyder Club.  The members installed on Saturday, 8/19/00 were Plato Mok (a.k.a. PMok), Jeff Halter (a.k.a. Halcyon), and Tony Hughes (a.k.a. ??).

A quick note about trimming pieces on the car.  Alan is a professional, as such, he's perfected the art of cutting material on a car whereby he cuts about 1/2 through the material then begins to peel at an edge and the material separates the rest of the way.  Alan never cuts all the way through the material, thus the paint and body of the car are not in danger.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, Alan suggests that any good window tint person should have the ability to trim this on your car.  You can also call Invinca-Shield's toll free number 1-888-339-1385 listed on their website and they may have a certified installer in your area.  As always, with any questions, feel free to call Alan and he's happy to explain.

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Alan is wiping down PMok's car to prep it for installation. Note that PMok's car already has the J-spec badge installed.

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A before close up picture.  PMok has the most miles on his car and consequently the most existing rock chips. (He did touch-up prior to the install)

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Rather than remove his J-spec badge, we simply traced a pattern for it.

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Alan positions the first piece on the hood.

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Alan using the squeegee tool to get the fluid out from underneath. Very similar to window tinting.

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Alan puts the finishing touches on with the felt pad and hairdryer.

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Always important to make sure the edges are down and flush.

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Alan is a perfectionist so he trims the piece slightly.  This piece actually was too short on the original kit so we had it enlarged on the updated kit.

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Alan using the prep table to prep the second piece.

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Alan lays on the second piece.

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Smoothing on the second piece, you can't even see the first piece can you?

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Alan trims out the pattern for the J-spec badge.

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The master at work! PMok was a little nervous at this point. :-)

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The finishing touches

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Attaching the third piece, the hardest piece to attach, although the new pattern is MUCH easier than the old pattern.

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Meanwhile, idiot me tries out my old Zymol Carbon blue wax.

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Yes, although I think this wax is great, DO NOT USE IT ON A YELLOW CAR! (It was a royal pain to buff off!) Going back to my Maguire's wax.

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Alan does a little trimming at the seam between pieces 2 and 3. Alan is a perfectionist so he does a slight overlap and seats the seam that way, you don't have to do it this way, but Alan likes the results, so did the rest of us!

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Brian, a.k.a. Bad Spyder arrived with his car to watch the installs.  Afterwards he has decided that he wants Invinca-shield on his car and is organizing a 2nd Bay Area party to fly Alan out to do another set of cars, if interested contact him via Spyderchat

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Bad Spyder had his cheesy aluminum dash kit from Ebay with him so we held up this piece to see what a filled in aluminum color might look like on my dash that has the TRD aluminum kit on it.  I think I might custom make an aluminum piece to fill in this area.

Bad Spyder's "Oh No I could have had Invinca-Shield" Video!


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Alan made some custom pieces for all of us to go in our door handle areas to prevent those nasty nail scrapes.

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The finished product.  Black is probably the hardest color to do because it shows any little paint imperfection.

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However, we all thought this came out looking pretty darn good.  And Pmok can quit worrying about all those rock chips!

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PMok gives the Thumbs Up!

PMok's testimonial Video

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Alan and Pmok, another satisfied customer! :-)

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Don't want unsightly mud flaps? Alan customizes a couple of pieces for me!

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Sweet! No more tar, road debris or rocks dinging up my rear panels!

Invinca-Shield Instally Party Page 2

Continuation of the Invinca-Shield Install party pictures, 8/19/00.  Next car up, Halcyon's!

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Halcyon arrived with his car, here is a before picture.

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Halcyon had a few dings as well which had been touched up.  He was also keeping his Toyota logo, so his pattern was pre-cut to fit the emblem.

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Alan installs the top hood piece!

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Jeff watches as Alan installs

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Piece #1 is done. You can see the edge particularly in this piece because of the low angle lighting, later in the sun it is barely visible.

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Starting piece number 2  on the car.

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Alan stretches piece #2 a little for the best fit.

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The new pattern piece #3 that does not go all the way to the bottom which makes the install MUCH easier! (the lower pieces fill this area in)

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Smoothing down piece #3

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The finishing touches with felt pad and hairdryer.

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The middle spoiler lip, this is called piece #5 in the new pattern.

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The spoiler is done. It was starting to get a little bit darker so the garage lights came on.

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Alan gives the car a last minute check in the sun to make sure everything is attached as it should be.

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Jeff and Alan, another Thumbs Up!

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I wanted to take a picture from another angle to show that the edge line disappears depending on the angle and the lighting.

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Tony arrived last, around 7:15pm so we did his at my complex, that's him in my car checking out my dash.

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Cleaning off the front end.  Tony took off his emblem because he is getting the J-Spec badge.  He also has a plug to fill the hole where the dealer drilled for the license plate bracket.

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Tony already had his radio shack antenna that was bent over from his 2 hour drive!

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Someone wanted a picture of my Aluminum dash kit

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Alan lays down piece #1

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The finishing touches.

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Tony watches in amazement as Alan trims the front edge of piece #1 for the best fit.

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Tony helps Alan (as I supervise :-)

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We are losing our sun as Alan lines up piece #2

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The finishing touches on piece #2

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Starting piece #3

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Lining up the parking light and edges of piece #3

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Alan works the details.

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Getting dark so we brought out a lamp to throw some light on the situation.

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Tony watches as Alan installs piece #4 the lower sections.

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Alan does the lower piece on the other side.

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If only Wayne had been here we would have had 3 yellows at once! :-)  The camera flash lit up the tail lights and my plate

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Alan gives the thumbs up, and is looking a little "glazed" from his third install of the day!

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Tony also had the mirrors done

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Alan and Tony point out the finished product

Invinca-Shield Party Page 3

As it turns out Wayne could not make it Sunday, so Brian bought Wayne's kit from him and drove down to get his car installed.  The photos below are of Brian's (a.k.a. Bad Spyder) install.

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Brian's car before the install.

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We had to remove Brian's Toyota emblem.

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Instead of using a hose, I used a soapy water solution in a spray bottle and the plastic spatula

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Carefully work the spatula under the emblem, keep the area wet.

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Remember the front emblem has pins so work from different angles.

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Peeling off the emblem.

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That awful sticky glue residue!

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Cleaning off the residue with my fingers, we also used rubbing alcohol on it.

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Polishing up the front end to remove some bug splats and imperfections.

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Installing the first piece

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Starting on the second piece

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Brian's wing that he installed.

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Alan working on the second piece.

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Brian's TRD Logo, adds 5 HP!

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Here's that old pesky Toyota emblem turned upside down to show the pins.

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Alan starts on the 3rd piece

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A new place for your MR2 logo!

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Piece number 4, the lower sections.

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Note the relief cuts and the way the piece curves around the body of the car.

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Finishing up the lower piece

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The piece wraps around, so here Alan is finishing up the wrap around portion.

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Finally the inside scoop portion, the material protects this lip.

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Passenger side lower piece

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Smoothing out the piece!

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Applying the last piece, the lip.

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Alan and Brian with his car

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The finished product

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Brian gives the now popular "Thumbs Up" signal of approval!

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Brian's car ready to roll!

Video of Alan preparing a piece to install.

Brian's Testimonial Video